Tour Guide As a Means of Education Programs

tour guide

Tour Guide As a Means of Education Programs

A tour guide or simply a tourist guide is somebody who gives help, guidance on historical, cultural past to individuals on personal and organized tour seeing. They also assist the tourists to plan their trip and make their travel arrangements. Tour guides are hired by tourists so that they can enjoy their vacation in their planned way and in a relaxed environment. A good tour guide makes an excellent tool for educating people as to the heritage and history of a particular place.

Museums, art galleries and historical archives impart information about the past era’s culture and traditions. These educational institutions are visited by thousands and hundred of visitors throughout the year. The best way to attract more visitors is arranging guided tours for tourists. These tours are arranged by tour guides who know all about the places and they are familiar with the tourist attractions. They are well versed with the historical facts of the place, where to eat, how to get there and other tourist attractions.

Guides like these are extremely beneficial for educating the visitors on their way to the different places. These schools offer many different kinds of guided walks. They include birding and nature-watching tours, walking tours, hiking tours, fishing and camping tours, museums and art galleries tours, boat trips, horse riding and driving tours and educational programs. The tour guide will make you enjoy your holidays to the fullest by taking you to new and exciting places.

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