Holidays and Overtime Pay

A holiday is a period set aside by law or custom, where normal everyday activities, particularly work or school including church or office hours are suspended or completely curtailed. Generally, holiday weekends are especially organized by employers for workers’ and children’s welfare. Holidays usually indicate the end of the academic year and the welcome break from the routine of the school year. Since most families spend more time with each other during the Christmas season and because of the long weekend break, it would make sense to have a family break so that children can have some fun and free time to play outside and enjoy themselves. In fact, a holiday can be one of the best times for parents to bond and get closer with their kids even if it just means having lunch together once or twice or playing outside in the summer heat.


As an employee, you may be entitled to take a holiday break as prescribed by federal law and the regulations issued by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSHR). Normally, federal law states that employees shall be entitled to take a holiday break equal to 1% of their usual entitlement to holiday pay; however, overtime pay is not applicable. You should check with your employer whether your federal overtime pay will be applicable on a holiday.

Many employees, who have worked for the same company for several years and have built a good career and social reputation, are sometimes allowed to take a break from work during the winter holiday or to go on a vacation. If you are a part-time employee who has worked for the same company for many years, your employer may allow you to take a holiday even though the annual leave has already started. If you have been working for a company for at least ten years and have built a good career for yourself, you will generally be given a paid holiday leave for every two years. Federal law allows overtime pay for holiday pay but overtime pay is not applicable for vacations. So, you will be able to take a vacation and earn the same amount of money as those employees whose holiday pay has already been earned.

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